Another role of the godly parent is to cultivate compassion for others. Job trained his children to be generous, hospitable, responsible, kind, and considerate and to be leaders in building up others and the community in unity and harmony.
This does not mean Job taught his children to compromise for the sake of agreement, but rather to hold strong principles and demonstrate genuine love.
Assure your children repeatedly of God’s love, even when they disobey.
How do we develop compassion for others? We first must experience God’s love and then be challenged to pass on that love. Children first experience God’s love by experiencing the love of their own parents. The more their parents express love to them, the quicker they are to show compassion.
Assure your children repeatedly of God’s love, even when they disobey. Be affectionate with them, hugging and kissing them and putting your hand on their shoulder as a sign of encouragement.
Also, don’t link your love to any behavioral trait in your child. Let your children know you love them just as God loves them—unconditionally. God loves us solely because we are His beloved, uniquely created children. Learn to love your children in the same way.
When you demonstrate love to your children, they gain a proper perspective of God. They learn to view the Lord as a God of love and not wrath.
Prayer: Lord, teach me how to communicate Your love better to my family. I know when I learn to love You better, I can then pass this love on to others. Thank You for Your faithfulness in my life. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
"These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children" (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).
Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon Parenting 911, Part 4: LISTEN NOW | WATCH NOW
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