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The Longing of Every Heart

Heaven and Hell

September 6, 2021

By Dr. Michael Youssef · 2M Read

We are part of the spiritual realm, and we were created for heaven.

The imperishable reality of heaven is the desperate longing of every human heart. We all want a home where we can live forever, experience endless joy in the Creator’s presence, and be reunited with those we love.

God Himself placed those desires within us so that we would never be satisfied with anything less than eternity with Him. He wants to draw us into a relationship with Him because only by joining our lives to His can we experience the eternal life He intended for us at creation.

We are part of the spiritual realm, and we were created for heaven.


We are physical beings—but we are not merely physical. We are part of the spiritual realm, and we were created for heaven. We are restless and dissatisfied with life until we find our true destiny in Him. Only when our searching and wandering leads us home to the Father can we find the peace and belonging we seek.

This world is impermanent and destined for destruction. But if we have placed our trust in Jesus, our citizenship is in the world to come—a permanent place called heaven.

Prayer: Father, thank You for creating me for heaven. Thank You that I can look forward to that day when I will leave this world because I have placed my trust in You. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"He has also set eternity in the human heart" (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon series The Truth About Heaven: LISTEN NOW


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