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Raised Up to Run to the Lost


June 22, 2024

By Dr. Michael Youssef · 3M Read

The masses are waiting to hear, and God is calling His people to run and tell them.

In ancient times, "runners" were often used to carry messages between an army and its king, such as the good news of a victory in battle. In a similar way, God is calling believers to run and declare the Good News of Christ’s victory—the ultimate victory announcement of all time.

In Isaiah 52:1-12, Isaiah was announcing good news to the people of Israel in the midst of their terrible exile in Babylon. Through Isaiah, God was declaring that He would answer His people’s cry for freedom and release them from their captivity. However, while Isaiah was directly speaking to God’s people during that particular historical time, he was also speaking indirectly to us, inspired by the Holy Spirit, about our deliverance from sin through Jesus Christ.

The masses are waiting to hear, and God is calling His people to run and tell them.


Today, many people are looking for deliverance that only Jesus can provide. Billions of people around the world remain unreached by the Gospel. They are oppressed by the burden of sin, in need of the freedom offered through Christ alone, and seeking to worship the one true God. Some of them may be your own friends, family, or neighbors.

The masses are waiting to hear, and God is calling His people to run and tell them. All of us are called to be a part of this global mission—to heed the final task given to the Church by Christ Himself (see Matthew 28:19-20).

When we fulfill this calling, we are embodying the message of the prophet from Isaiah 52:7: "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, . . ." When we share the Good News with a dying world, when we pray for the spread of the Gospel, when we support any work that is advancing God’s Kingdom, He is pleased. Each time we step out in obedience to fulfill His call, God says that this is beautiful.

Even now, God is preparing hearts to receive His Truth. He has promised that a great multitude among the nations is His (see Revelation 7:9). At the same time, He has raised us up to run to our soon-to-be brothers and sisters in Christ with the message of His love so that they can become a part of His family forever. So then, let us go to the Lord in prayer and ask Him, "What is my part to play in this great drama of redemption?"

Prayer: Father, may I not shy away from the glorious work of sharing Your Gospel with the nations even if I should feel uncomfortable. I pray that I would become less and that You would become more for the furthering of Your Kingdom. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’" (Isaiah 52:7).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon The Beautiful Feet: LISTEN NOW


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