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God’s Instrument in the Battle

Obedience and Surrender

November 1, 2020

By Dr. Michael Youssef · 2M Read

  • Scripture:
God chose to use Moses because He delights in using His people as His instruments.

Read Exodus 5:1-5.

God’s Word describes Moses as the leader of God’s people, the one who delivered Israel from bondage in Egypt and then guided them in the wilderness for forty years. But if we take a closer look at the Exodus, we see God is Israel’s true Deliverer. He is the one who rescued the Israelites from Pharaoh’s hand and cared for them in the desert.

God chose to use Moses because He delights in using His people as His instruments.

Still, God chose to work through Moses. He could have snapped His fingers to deliver the Israelites from their slavery and ushered them into the Promised Land in a moment, but He didn’t. Instead, God chose to use Moses because He delights in using His people as His instruments. Because He is a gracious God, He wants to give every believer a share of the victory that He wrought on the cross. He wants to empower us to live for Him and stand firm on His Word—bringing goodness, mercy, and justice to the world.

Many believers would rather avoid confrontation. They’d rather not stand up for what’s right if it makes others uncomfortable. We should be wise in how we approach the battle, but we must confront sin and evil. As followers of Jesus, we do not fight for what’s right in arrogance, anger, or bitterness. Instead, we stand as Jesus did—with unwavering love. God is looking for people to stand up for Truth in love in the world today.

Prayer: Father, thank You that as I seek Your face and follow Your will, I will be a vessel of Your reconciliation. I want to serve as an ambassador of Your grace and justice in this world. Show me opportunities to exercise Your compassion in my community. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"Afterward Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said, ‘This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: "Let my people go, so that they may hold a festival to me in the wilderness"’" (Exodus 5:1).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon Treasure That Lasts: Giving Up Gold for Glory, Part 5: LISTEN NOW


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