In Switzerland, a Ukrainian believer sits down at his computer. His country is at war and his heart aches for his countrymen as they face horrific tragedies. He prays that his responses to their spiritual questions on Leading The Way‘s social media bring comfort and hope in their hour of darkness.
Across the Mediterranean Sea, a Messianic Jew also sits down at his computer. He desperately wants his fellow Israelis to know Jesus as Messiah. He is asking God to use Leading The Way‘s new Hebrew broadcasts to soften their hearts.
Every day, these brothers and sisters are engaged in a battle for the hearts and minds of the lost.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the Suez Canal, an Egyptian believer quickly answers his cell phone. Yet another Muslim has called him to ask about Christ. She has been watching Leading The Way‘s KINGDOM SAT channel in secret for months. Now she says, with fear in her voice, "I want to give my life to Jesus, but I am afraid that my family might hurt me if they find out."
What do these three men—a Ukrainian, an Israeli, and an Egyptian—have in common? They are each an active member of the Leading The Way field team. Together with the rest of the ministry’s worldwide team, they are a strategic force spread across twelve nations—ministering in multiple languages.
Every day, these brothers and sisters are engaged in a spiritual war—a battle for the hearts and minds of the lost. They are active on social media, responding with grace to those seeking Truth and even those who are openly hostile to the Gospel. They field phone calls and meet with people one on one to discuss the Truth of Christ; they connect new believers with local churches; they disciple new converts and mature Christians with sound Biblical teaching; and they baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. If no church exists, they start one. It’s all in a day’s work for this industrious task force on the frontlines of ministry.
When someone gives their life to Christ after watching Dr. Michael Youssef’s messages, our team immediately springs into action. The days and months directly following someone’s conversion are crucial. If these new believers are to live for Christ and be effective witnesses for Him, they must be discipled and have fellowship with other believers. Second Timothy 2:2 drives our model: "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others." For this reason, our field team has honed a proven discipleship process for new believers, which broadly includes:
- Discipleship courses and small groups—both online and in person.
- Connecting new believers to local churches when they exist in the area.
- In-depth theological training—especially for those who have converted from Islam.
- Baptism at just the right time and in the right place.
We are certain that as God continues to lead us to make disciples who make disciples, He will meet all our needs "according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19).
Through your partnership, you play a vital role in this far-reaching, global ministry. Please pray for these brave men and women who are in the spiritual trenches each day. Pray that God might make them more effective, more joyful, and more faithful and that He might continue to empower them in His commission, building up the body of Christ to the praise of His glorious grace.
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