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From Sorrow to Salvation: The Purpose of God in All Things

Global Work

May 1, 2022

By Dr. Michael Youssef · 4M Read

Afghan refugees have entered the United States—and God, in His providence, has opened the door for Leading The Way to reach them.

The world watched in horror. With lightning-fast speed, the Taliban took one city after another. Then, Kabul fell. In the following days, a bombing took the lives of 169 men, women, and children along with 13 courageous members of the U.S. Armed Forces. Soon, people were clinging onto the sides of military aircraft— desperately seeking escape. After 20 years of war, Afghanistan was once again firmly in the control of Islamic terrorists. How in the world could God use such a tragedy for good?

Afghan refugees have entered the United States—and God, in His providence, has opened the door for Leading The Way to reach them.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28). Our God is sovereign, and He is actively at work in human history—moving the nations to accomplish His will. Before the fall of Afghanistan, it was difficult to minister to the Afghan people. Now, God has brought them to our doorstep. As these souls seek refuge in America, they are falling into the arms of Christ—finding refuge not just now, but for eternity.

Since August 2021, approximately 76,000 Afghan refugees have entered the United States and resettled in communities all across the nation—and God, in His providence, has opened the door for Leading The Way to reach them.

One such providential moment happened just this past Christmas when Leading The Way distributed solar-powered Navigator audio players to Afghan refugees living in North Carolina. Through a relationship with a trusted ministry partner, our field team member learned of a Christmas dinner in which a Muslim convert would be sharing the Gospel with 50 Afghan refugee families. At a moment’s notice, he traveled to North Carolina with 50 Navigators in the trunk of his car. Once there, he presented the devices from the pulpit—explaining how they work and how they can be a tool for learning English.

Through your partnership, Leading The Way curated the content on each device to reach these families with the Gospel message. Each Navigator included:

  • 100+ dual-language sermons by Dr. Michael Youssef in both Farsi and English
  • The New Testament in either Farsi, Pashtu, or Dari to match each specific family’s heart language

"Excitement was evident on the children’s faces," our field team shares. "When we had distributed all the devices, people were still asking for more!"

And the story continues. More Navigators have been distributed in Texas, Albania, Indonesia, and even Ukraine—all to reach growing refugee populations for Christ. Plans are also in place to distribute Navigators in Clarkston, Georgia, the most diverse square mile in America, and to reach the one million refugees currently living in Germany. In addition, Dr. Michael Youssef’s Arabic-English radio programs are expanding into new cities, reaching areas with large Arabic-speaking populations in New York City, Dearborn, Los Angeles, Dallas, and more.

The Lord, in His sovereignty, has brought these refugees from closed countries to lands where they can freely hear the Truth of Christ. Now, with His help, we will press on to seize the spiritual opportunity at hand. We believe this is our Great Commission mandate: to passionately proclaim uncompromising Truth and let the Holy Spirit do His work.

Thank you in advance for your continued support of this worldwide ministry. Please pray that God would bring more connections with refugees all across the nation and world so that those who have yet to hear may know Jesus and find eternal peace.

Will you join us as we press on to reach the lost with the message of Jesus?
