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A Family Awakened: Blake and Brooke, Australia


April 1, 2020

By Dr. Michael Youssef · 2M Read

It is the value of your soul that caused the God of power and might to hang helplessly on the cross…

Blake and his wife Brooke, both 25 and new parents, wanted to follow Christ—but they felt the tentacles of their old lives pulling them back. Blake was a former drug dealer; Brooke had a difficult upbringing. When they began seeking the Lord, their family was hostile toward them—and they were on the verge of giving up.

"It is the value of your soul that caused the God of power and might to hang helplessly on the cross…"

In their season of struggle, a family friend invited them to Dr. Michael Youssef’s Value of Your Soul tour in Sydney, Australia. As they heard a powerful testimony from a former drug dealer, God began to touch their hearts—and when Dr. Youssef began preaching, it was like the Lord was speaking directly to them:

"It is the value of your soul that caused the God of power and might to hang helplessly on the cross . . . Why? Because He loves you! . . . He is stretching out His hands to you right now and saying, ‘Come to Me. My Son died on the cross for you. He provided a way of escape.’ This is a great invitation. Will you accept it?"

As Dr. Youssef challenged the audience to surrender their lives to Christ, Blake and Brooke sprang up from their seats.

"They have been reignited and are being discipled by mature Christians," Leading The Way‘s Sydney field team reported. "Blake wants to tell all of his former drug contacts about Jesus. He and Brooke said they had never heard the love of God explained in such a powerful way until they heard Dr. Youssef."

This young family is forever changed—empowered to boldly impact others for Christ. How many more families are just one invitation away from saving faith in Jesus? Join us as we relentlessly pursue the lost through these strategic evangelistic events.

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