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A Call to Repentance and Prayer from Generation Z: Devin (USA)


September 27, 2020

By Dr. Michael Youssef · 4M Read

Many young Christians my age claim to love God, but their actual religion is the love of self.

She made Jesus the Lord of her life. Now she is challenging her generation to think critically about their beliefs and the church to rise up in prayer.    

"I was born into a Christian family. We went to church every week, attended VBS every summer, and helped regularly in the church nursery. But there was a problem—Jesus was not my Lord. I knew that He was real, that He existed, but I did not submit myself to Him. As a result, I lived many years of my life in bitterness and rebellion. 

"Many young Christians my age claim to love God, but their actual religion is the love of self."

"One Sunday, I woke up as church was about to begin, and I thought, ‘I’m going today.’ I know now the Holy Spirit wanted me there. The sermon was all about how grace precedes forgiveness and how Satan will deceive us if we allow bitterness into our lives. Through that message, God gave me an overwhelming desire to confess my sins to Him. I cried, ‘God, forgive me for the way I’ve been treating my parents and, above all, for the way I’ve been treating You.’

"At this point, I was starved for spiritual Truth. I began listening regularly to Dr. Michael Youssef’s messages. He helped me answer, ‘What is Biblical Truth? What is Generation Z missing?’ He helped me understand that our love for God is directly proportionate to our understanding of His love for us. I deserve hell, yet God became human, lived a perfect life on my behalf, and died the awful death I deserve because He loves me. This is supernatural—I don’t deserve any of this!

"Many young Christians my age claim to love God, but their actual religion is the love of self. If you check their social media accounts, their latest posts are focused on self-love. I am so grateful that Dr. Youssef has helped me learn to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. I downloaded the Leading The Way app and listen to the daily podcast on my way to and from work. It’s thirty minutes here; thirty minutes there—and my spirit is continuously filled up with the Truth so I can pour out the Truth.

"I like to say that Dr. Youssef preaches straight fire directly from the Word of God. He’s not afraid of the offensive nature of God’s Word, which directly confronts sin. He wants people to hear the Truth, so he doesn’t just tell them what they want to hear.

"My generation has an opportunity—especially here in the West—to talk about Christ. We have the freedom to share about our faith, and social media is an amazing way to do this. This is why I have been so encouraged through taking part in the Awake America prayer movement.

"I think the power behind this movement is bringing awareness to the importance of prayer to change a nation. We are shining a light not only on our desperate need for change but on the power of God.

"There’s so much unrest in America today, and there’s even more vitriol. Everyone is divided, and the Awake America campaign is a drive to unite the people of God in prayer. I think that’s why it’s so important to join the Awake America campaign if you haven’t already. There is no better time to pray than right now. And there’s no better place to share your prayers than on social media.

"My generation is the future of the church, and we desperately need God to work to bring revival in our day."

Join Devin and thousands of others in praying for America through the Awake America prayer movement.
