
The Case for God’s Existence (Candid Ep. 235)
How do science and history affirm the existence of God? Join Jonathan and special guest Lee Strobel, former atheist and…

Part 4
The culture is working tirelessly to water down the Gospel by steering the next generation toward humanism and universalism. In…
God’s Vision
Things like a breathtaking painting in a museum, a massive bridge, and the intricate pieces that make up the hard…
A Successful Warrior
David was able to go into battle with confidence because he began his battle in prayer. When we call upon…
Hold Fast to Your Security
Read Romans 2:17-3:18. All people the world over, no matter how rich, famous, or powerful they may be, long for…
Unashamed of Our Faith
Read Romans 1:16-17. The third and final reason the apostle Paul lived unashamed of the Gospel was because he knew…
Dwell in His Fortress
To delight in the presence of God means that we have confidence in Him as our refuge, our Redeemer who…
Three Indispensable Traits
In the opening verses of 1 Thessalonians, Paul describes ten distinctive traits of the Thessalonian believers: (1) They had a…
Do You Have Idols?
The Thessalonians had been idol worshipers—but they had made a 180-degree turnabout. They had broken away from idols and now…
Building on Solid Rock
How do you build your life on the solid rock of Jesus Christ? By holding on to something that is…