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The Cross From the Beginning

My Devo Podcast

April 10, 2023

By Dr. Michael Youssef

My Devotional

When most people think about the cross of Jesus, they think about the New Testament. They think about Calvary and Pilate and Roman soldiers. But the cross did not simply spring up in the middle of redemption’s story as though it were an afterthought in the mind of God. The cross had always been God’s plan of salvation, and so we shouldn’t be surprised to clearly find it in the Old Testament as well. Today’s devotional examines how the Lamb of God was the only sacrifice that could eternally atone for sin. 

This devotional is adapted from MY JournalLeading The Way’s monthly devotional magazine. Sign up now for a free six-month subscription to MY Journal—Dr. Youssef’s gift to you.

If you would like more insight into today’s devotional topic, listen to Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon The Folly and the Power of the Cross, Part 1 LISTEN NOWWATCH NOW


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