Jul 11, 2023
How God Uses Suffering for Good
How God Uses Suffering for Good
Jul 11, 2023
In Jesus’ time it was commonly taught that suffering is always judgment. For example, when Jesus’ disciples encountered a man born blind, they asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” (John 9:2). And Jesus took time to correct this false understanding of God’s Word. Truly, He offered a wake-up call—offensive to those who believed they had no need to repent.
This devotional is adapted from MY Journal, Leading The Way’s monthly devotional magazine. Sign up now for a free six-month subscription to MY Journal—Dr. Youssef’s gift to you.
If you would like more insight into today’s devotional topic, listen to Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon series Enduring Wisdom: WATCH NOW
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