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Heeding the Warnings of Jesus

My Devo Podcast

January 4, 2023

By Dr. Michael Youssef

My Devotional

With so much uncertainty in the world, so much volatility in the economy, and so much negativity all around us, it can be tempting to envy the rich.  In today’s devotional, Dr. Michael Youssef reveals from Scripture that the danger of wealth is the temptation to place all your hope and trust in riches. 

This devotional is adapted from MY JournalLeading The Way’s monthly devotional magazine. Sign up now for a free six-month subscription to MY Journal—Dr. Youssef’s gift to you.

If you would like more insight into today’s devotional topic, listen to Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon When God’s Plans Differ from Ours in Timing: WATCH NOW


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