Scientists and psychologists alike have researched different ways to overcome fear. Some believe they can develop drugs to combat phobias, while others believe we should just fake it until we make it. But there is a secret to courage that God reveals over and over again in Scripture. It is the same thing He told Moses after asking him to lead the Israelites out of slavery, and it is the same thing Jesus told us after giving the disciples the Great Commission (see Exodus 3:12; Matthew 28:19-20).
In Haggai 1:13, God reveals the secret to courage once again. Once the Israelites recommitted themselves to the Lord, He responded, “I am with you.” The Lord knew they would need courage to continue His work and rebuild their faith. He knew they would need His presence to remain faithful to the end.
God’s presence is the key to courage. He is always asking His people to do things that seem terrifying or impossible, knowing that the only way to complete the mission is with His help. What God asks of us can be intimidating, but His response is the same as it has always been: “I am with you.”
One of Satan’s greatest tools is discouragement. He knows that he cannot steal our salvation, but in the meantime, he will do everything he can to try to steal our motivation. Sometimes we see the mountain ahead of us—a mission God has given us, a person for whom He has led us to pray, or a calling that seems impossible—but do not feel we have the faith to move it. We might begin to believe that God is not hearing our prayers and that we are fighting the battle alone.
The only strength that can lift us up in the midst of compromise, deception, hopelessness, and apathy is the encouragement of God. He is sovereign, and He stands behind His promises no matter how disheartening our circumstances may be. We can keep fighting because we know that our victory is assured in Christ, and we are never alone. Whatever your mission is, He is with you.
Do you need courage? Take some time to rest in the Lord’s victory. If the task at hand seems daunting, God has fresh perspective to give you. Allow Him to silence all voices of discouragement and lift you up with His love. God stands ready to strengthen you today.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I rest in Your victory today. Give me courage when I am afraid to follow You. When I am intimidated by the task at hand, help me to rely on Your strength. Thank You for being with me. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon series Defeating the Enemies of Success
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